Prophetic Ministry by email, online prophetic word, dream interpretation
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Personal prophecy by email, dream interpretation, articles and more.
Our name is Elisha Serves.com otherwise known as Elisha Serves Ministries and we are a Christian prophetic site.
We are considered one of the most trusted, accurate prophetic ministry and online prophetic word sites out there by the people who have used us over the years. We have ministered to many thousands of people.
We also offer Biblical teachings and articles, Dream interpretation teaching and more. Personal prophetic ministry and dream interpretation is free. We have delivered accurate prophetic words to thousands of people and people choose to go with us over many others, as well as done thousands of accurate dream interpretations. This site was started by me (Adam Lee Becker) in 2005 and has served thousands of people and spoke into their lives. The spirit of the Lord is upon us. If you want hope and insight into your life you will want to get personal prophetic ministry otherwise known a personal prophecy online by us. Get your prophetic ministry or your personal prophecy today.
It is Edification (to build up), exhortation (encourage), and comfort or confirmation. Personal prophecy and prophetic ministry is not necessarily direction or the future at least not all the time. Personal prophecy points one to Jesus and the Bible for direction and the future. Although it often times confirms things in your life which can give you direction as well as insight. It can also point out things you aren't seeing and make you aware of things God wants you to be aware of. Prophetic ministry is by the power of the Holy Spirit. Please see the personal prophecy page for more details. Sure some people feel that they can hear from God for themselves but the truth is when someone tries to hear from God for themselves they are sometimes wrong. Because they have an iron in the fire which is their own wants and ambitions as well as opinions and desires. These things can cloud our ability to accurately hear from God for ourselves about us. It is good to get a second opinion and confirmation and that is where we come in. However dreams can foretell the future and give direction especially God given dreams. And that is something I love to do is help with interpreting your dreams. Get your dream interpreted free. God has been speaking through dreams since Biblical times and He still speaks through them today. Let me help you interpret your dream. I have interpreted thousands of dreams and have a dream interpretation gift. Free Christian dream interpretation through email. Go to the dream interpretation page to get your dream interpreted for free and find out if God is using dreams to speak to you.
I now offer prophetic business consulting, Once a month I will use my prophetic gift to give you insight on your business. This may be in the form of direction, new ideas, goals, plans, ways to increase profits or decrease loss, potential problems and how you can make it better overall. If you would like prophetic business consulting please go to the Business consulting page
If you would like prophetic ministry or otherwise known as personal prophecy and prophetic words please go to the request personal prophecy page
If you would like dream interpretation or to learn how to interpret your own dreams please go to the dream interpretation page
If you would like to know more about us please go to the about us page
If you would like to read Adam's Blog with Biblical and prophetic teachings please go to the blog page
Visit our online store to download life changing free audio teachings and e-books. Go to the store page
Have questions about God and the Bible, we have put together frequently asked questions and objections to God and the Bible and answered them. Go to the FAQ's About God Page to learn more
Check out Adam's online church at online church page. The digital world is the future and where the majority of the lost and unchurched people spend their time. We are doing the work of the kingdom through this online church and investing in the future.
Consider donating to this life changing ministry. God is certainly working through us and using us to speak to people! There are costs to running a ministry and costs to a website as well as Adam’s time to do a personal prophecy for someone. This service definitely has value . Go to the Donate Page to donate.
Spot on. Adam was quick and thorough, I was amazed at the quality of his reading via email. There were several things that immediately resonated (including the importance of giving a preventable health issue the current attention it deserves), and there were several things that I will pay attention to as meaningful if they happen to present themselves. Thank you for what you do in offering your amazing gift to others!
Thank you so much! Your reading has helped me tremendously as I watched it unfold rather quickly. I had a full understanding of your spiritual reading within a week. What u said helped me watch the happenings with more mindful awareness. Thank you, Jai Lynn
I don't know who you are, but the word you gave me about a year ago, I've had the greatest pleasure to watch God perform in my life word by word. Amazingly accurate and detailed, your sight is very keen. I would like to send a donation to you. Please advise how to do so. And Thank you for your service, servant of God.
I am requesting prophetic word from your ministry - i just donated $40 via my credit card. Thank you. I really need a good, accurate word and you did a wonderful job for my girlfriend, Nancy S****. It is hard to get accuracy but i am astonished with what you did for her! Thank you, Bernadine
Adam, I am absolutely amazed and in awe on how accurate you just prophesied. Valentina
Thank you so much for your words and prayers, I do confirm each and everyone of them this had been the exact prophetic words that have been coming up in my life for the past few months.
Dr. Assunta
Adam, thank you so much for the word you sent me..... You were right on about the things you spoke of.....
This is the second time asking for help and each time I always feel confident that your dream interpretations are God given, your interpretations actually make sense and I can see where things fall in my life......Thanks again and God bless.
Thank you so much for the dream interpretation! What you see rings true......
In Christ, Shirley
I am so wowed over this dream interpretation, all I can say is that I know I will be contacting you with a report on the manifestation of this.....This makes so much sence to me. I believe it may be in the working already.
I must take a moment to reply to the prophetic word I was sent from Adam. This word was so on point it was spirit shaking.
Greetings And Peace! Glory To God! Thank You Very Much For The Very Encouraging, Edifying And Accurate Word Through Prophet Adam Becker! It Is Very Much Appreciated! God Richly And Abundantly Bless You And Yours According To His Riches In Glory Through Christ Jesus Our Most Precious And Wonderful Savior And Lord!
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Short sermon by Rev. Adam Becker,
Back in Jan of 2017 after Trump took office I had a dream predicting the COVID-19 pandemic. Which I have a copy of a screenshot of it on here in which I tried to email it to a Christian publishing site to have it published as an article and it is dated from back in 2017. It was about Trump and the COVID-19 pandemic. Back then I misinterpreted part of the dream. The dream was I was in Trump tower and there was a big water park, and all kinds of people were playing in the water park. Then it sprang a leak, and it began to flood. As it was flooding people were dying and I was warning people. A lot of people died and the whole tower flooded. Then I woke up. I knew the dream meant that something terrible would happen under Trumps presidency and people may die but didn’t know what. But the dream makes perfect sense now and was warning of the COVID-19 pandemic coming. In the dream Trump tower flooded killing people and how does a flood kill? You drown and when you drown you can’t breathe and how does COVID-19 kill, it is respiratory, and you can’t breathe. So the dream was predicting the coming of COVID-19 and people dying beginning while Trump was president. I am in no way saying that Trump is to blame for it or did anything wrong just saying the dream predicted COVID-19 beginning and people dying while Trump was in office. Here is a screen shot of the email I mailed a couple of ministries about my Trump dream back in 2017 and it is dated to prove I did have it back then.
Proof of a dream predicting coming COVID-19 pandemic dated 2017
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